
Herzlich Willkommen bei 95Tage - 

Weinbau Familie Eschlböck

DER Wein aus Oberösterreich

Wir verarbeiten ausschließlich vollreife Trauben aus den von uns kultivierten Weingärten in auserwählten Lagen in Axberg, Marchtrenk, Traun, Oftering, Gumpolding und Leonding, wobei uns der sorgfältige Umgang mit der Natur, sowie die auf Region und Boden abgestimmte Auswahl der Traubensorten am Herzen liegen.

Verzicht auf chemische Unkrautbekämpfung

Die mechanische Pflege des Bodens ohne Unkrautpestizide und das händische Reduzieren der Trauben, das manuelle Entblättern der Reben und viele andere qualitätssteigernde Maßnahmen, lassen unsere Weine zu dem werden, was sie sind – Erlesene Gaumenfreuden!

Wir brauchen Ihre Zustimmung!

Diese Webseite verwendet Google Maps um Kartenmaterial einzubinden. Bitte beachten Sie dass hierbei Ihre persönlichen Daten erfasst und gesammelt werden können. Um die Google Maps Karte zu sehen, stimmen Sie bitte zu, dass diese vom Google-Server geladen wird. Weitere Informationen finden sie HIER

PS.: Wussten Sie, dass der Sommer 95 Tage hat?


System plugins operate every time a page on your site loads. They control such things as your URLS, whether users can check a "remember me" box on the login module, and whether caching is enabled. New in 1.6 is the redirect plugin that with the redirect component assist you in managing changes in URLs.

Default on:

  • Remember me Help
  • SEFHelp
  • DebugHelp

Default off:

  • CacheHelp
  • LogHelp
  • RedirectHelp

Joomla! means All Together, and it is a community of people all working and having fun together that makes Joomla! possible. Thousands of people each year participate in the Joomla! community, and we hope you will be one of them.

People with all kinds of skills, of all skill levels and from around the world are welcome to join in. Participate in the Joomla.org family of websites (the forum is a great place to start). Come to a Joomla! event. Join or start a Joomla! Users Group. Whether you are a developer, site administrator, designer, end user or fan, there are ways for you to participate and contribute.

The Joomla! Project consists of all of the people who make and support the Joomla! Web Platform and Content Management System.

Our mission is to provide a flexible platform for digital publishing and collaboration.

The core values are:

  • Freedom
  • Equality
  • Trust
  • Community
  • Collaboration
  • Usability

In our vision, we see:

  • People publishing and collaborating in their communities and around the world
  • Software that is free, secure, and high-quality
  • A community that is enjoyable and rewarding to participate in
  • People around the world using their preferred languages
  • A project that acts autonomously
  • A project that is socially responsible
  • A project dedicated to maintaining the trust of its users

There are millions of users around the world and thousands of people who contribute to the Joomla! Project. They work in three main groups: the Production Working Group, responsible for everything that goes into software and documentation; the Community Working Group, responsible for creating a nurturing the community; and Open Source Matters, the non profit organization responsible for managing legal, financial and organizational issues.

Joomla! is a free and open source project, which uses the GNU General Public Licenseversion 2 or later.

If you are an experienced Joomla! 1.5 user, 1.6 will seem very familiar. There are new templates and improved user interfaces, but most functionality is the same. The biggest changes are improved access control (ACL) and nested categories.

Default on:

  • Joomla Help

Default off:

Two new plugins are available in 1.6 but are disabled by default.

  • Contact CreatorHelp
    Creates a new linked contact record for each new user created.
  • ProfileHelp
    This example profile plugin allows you to insert additional fields into user registration and profile display. This is intended as an example of the types of extensions to the profile you might want to create.


The Joomla! content management system lets you create webpages of various types using extensions. There are 5 basic types of extensions: components, modules, templates, languages, and plugins. Your website includes the extensions you need to create a basic website in English, but thousands of additional extensions of all types are available. TheJoomla! Extensions Directory is the largest directory of Joomla! extensions.

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